AIRBNB for Ukraine

One of the reasons I changed my model to one that allows me, for some, to only advise is because of Airbnb and VRBO. These platforms don’t want middle men (cough) like me involved. However, sometimes, in some places for some people, the are truly the best option and if the right thing to do is to book an AirBNB. I’m going to say. I can’t help with the booking process, but I do help people find the right ones from time to time.

We are seeing in articles like this one, this one, and this one about helping Ukrainian individuals by booking their airbnb.

Advising fees are waived for anybody wanting to book an Airbnb in the Uktraine. I can’t book it for you, but if you let me know how much you’d like to spend, I’ll find you an option and send it to you.


Singita How I love thee~


Travel Insurance will not help with War